Modern Foreign Languages

We are very proud of our vibrant department, which offers French, German and Spanish from Upper Three to A Level, with many students opting to study two languages. Languages teach you adaptability and communications skills. Learning how to interact with speakers of other languages means you are less likely to be stuck in one mode of thinking. It can help you to see things from a range of perspectives - making you more adaptable, creative, and insightful. There are over 200,000,000 people over the age of 5 years old that speak more than one foreign language. Why not join them?

Girls in U3 initially study French, German and Spanish to give them a feel for each Language and understand some of the links between them. After the first half term of the Senior School, they continue with two languages. All students take at least one modern foreign language for GCSE but we encourage keen linguists to take two languages. We also offer all 3 languages at AS/A Level.

Beyond the curriculum, we offer trips abroad, plays in the foreign languages, theatre and cinema trips, cooking experiences, various competitions in and out of school, language clubs and native speaking assistants.

For those who are interested in pursuing other languages, there is the opportunity to join Mandarin club.  For bilingual students, we are able to organise examinations in their mother tongue. 

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