Politics & International Relations

Just think of all the things that will have an effect on you as you grow up. University fees, the cost of petrol, getting a job, tax and VAT, healthcare, buying a property; the list is endless (and don’t forget climate change, the fight against terrorism, trying to deal with global poverty, and all the other international issues you can think of). And all of them will be directly affected by decisions made by the UK government.

"Politics is nothing to do with me" - not true!

The first year of the Politics A-level investigates how the UK government makes decisions and what factors influence them. It also examines the dynamic ways in which ordinary people make their voices heard, whether in elections or by taking direct action. The second of year of the A-level focuses more on political beliefs and international issues, especially those since the dramatic events of 9/11 which made the world look at itself in a new way.

So, maybe Politics does have something to do with you after all. Have a look at the rest of the website and make up your own mind.


Do St Cat’s girls study Politics beyond school? Yes, they do!

Girls who have studied Politics A-level at St. Catherine’s have gone on to study Politics-based degrees such as Politics & Economics, Politics & Sociology, Politics & International Relations, Politics & French, Politics & Law, HSPS, PPE, and, of course, Politics itself.  They have studied at a variety of universities including Bath, Cambridge, Cardiff, Columbia, Durham, Edinburgh, Exeter, the London School of Economics, Loughborough, Newcastle, Nottingham, Oxford, St Andrew’s, Toronto, and Warwick.