Extra Curricular Drama
Whole School Productions
Middle & Senior Productions
In the intervening year, we also run two independent productions, one for Middle School (U3-U4) and one for Senior School (L5-U6). The Middle School production is in October just before half-term, and the Senior Production, in February just before half-term.
Our most recent Middle School production was The Boy Who Fell into a Book (Alan Ayckbourn) - 2022-2023
Speech & Drama
Speech and Drama classes are provided by Mrs Katie Solly and Mrs Natasha Thompson are an optional extra activity that is charged additionally. We follow the LAMDA syllabus and we have recently introduced the RADA Shakespeare Awards to U5 and above which have been hugely popular.
Classes are taught after school and during lunch breaks and are very well attended with continually superb results. As well as gaining a respected certificate, the girls enjoy the opportunity to make new friends outside of their houses and gain confidence in their performance skills, communication and self-expression.
For more information about Speech and Drama classes, please contact Mrs Solly at katie.solly@stcatherines.info
Technical Crew
There is a weekly after school slot for our dedicated team of “techies” to train in a variety of technical stage craft and also plot and experiment with technical ideas for forthcoming productions. Currently, this is open to any girl from L5 upwards; there are three levels of training that are delivered through workshops to any girls who wish to pursue this exciting opportunity to “get behind the scenes” in The Anniversary Halls. Once basic training has been completed, girls usually specialise in a particular area and are permitted certain operational responsibilities. Please note that no student is allowed in any technical area without permission and the correct safety equipment (this will be provided by Mr Smith, the Anniversary Halls Technician). There is the option for students to purchase steel-toe capped safety boots of their own if they wish, but otherwise we will provide them. |