School Policies
Cookies Policy
The St Catherine’s website uses cookies. A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that are put on your computer. The cookies we use are ‘analytical’ cookies. They allow us to recognise and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors move around the site when they’re using it. This helps us to improve the way our website works, for example by making sure users are finding what they need easily. No personal information is stored. By using the St Catherine’s website you agree that we may place the cookies mentioned above on your computer.
Whole School
- Admissions Procedure
- Child Protection Policy
- Appendix 1 - What is child abuse
- Complaints Procedure
- Confidentiality and Privacy
- Disability
- Drugs
- First Aid
- Health and Safety
- ICT Policy
Guidelines for Digital Technology - Appendix 1 -Student and Parent ICT Agreement
- Appendix 2 - Staff ICT Agreement
- Means Tested Bursaries
- Bursary Application Form
- Medical Policy
- Staff Recruitment
- Sustainability
Preparatory School
Senior School
- Anti-Bullying
- Curriculum
- Educational Visits Policy and Guidance
- R4 Parents Consent and Declaration
- Exchange Trips and Study Tours
* SSCB Fostering Letter
* SSCB Fostering Information - Academic Mentoring and Monitoring
- Rewards and Sanctions
- English as an Additional Language
- Relationships & Sex Education
- Study Visa Policy